9. pro 2010.

Nice simple cookies - Jednostavni keksi na mašinu

420 g brašna
180 g masti
140 g šećera
2 jaja

Umijesiti tijesto i pomoću mašine za mljevenje mesa s nastavcima za kekse raditi kekse.

Ovo je stari recept iz mamine bilježnice. Ne piše niti temperatura niti vrijeme pečenja. Ja ih pečem na otprilike 170°C. Nakon 10-15 minuta ih počnem provjeravati i vadim kad se zazlate :)).

Hvala na čitanju :)


English version:

420 grams (3 ¾  cups) of flour
180 grams ( ¾ cups) of fat (I put margarine)
140 grams (5/8 cups) of sugar
2 eggs

Make a dough of these groceries. You can add some more flour if it's necessary.
And than make cookies with home machine for grinding meat with extensions for cookies (I can put a picture of my machine if it's necessary).
Bake in preheat oven on 340 F (170°C) for 10 to 15 minutes or when they are light golden color.

This is a recipe from my mother's notebook. I tried to convert measurements from grams to cups for readers who do not use kitchen scale and I hope I did ok.

Thanks for reading :)


Here's very helpful website with conversion calculators and converting cups to grams (and other cool stuff and recipies): 

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